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According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than three million people have left their job every single month since June of 2017. Additionally, a full 80 percent of workers are actively looking for a new job or are open to offers.

Employee engagement is at an all-time low. Gallup’s State of the American Workplace Report reveals that only 15 percent of employees are engaged in their jobs – and that’s a worrying global statistic. Disengaged employees are less productive and more apt to move on, creating an unstable work environment and culture.

So, how can you improve engagement and encourage development in your teams?

To better connect with your teams and discover their thoughts on the state of their work environment, we’ve put together a few questions that you can ask in reviews or meetings. The answers should give you some insights as to what can be done to improve the situation:

1.    On a scale of one to 10, how satisfied are you in your position, and why?

Happy employees are engaged employees. And yet, sometimes you may still stand to lose them to a better salary or a more prestigious position. Knowing what your employees expect and/or are hoping for is the key to a strong culture.

2.    How is our culture getting in the way of our success?

No matter how strong your culture is, there will invariably be things that are getting in the way of some people realizing success. If there are issues, you need to be aware of them so you can address them.

3.    What are your short-term and long-term goals with the company?

Even when a person is great at their job, it doesn’t mean they are enjoying it. However, they may see it as a segue into their “dream job”. Find out what they envision for themselves in a perfect world and help them understand how what they do fits into that journey.

4.    Are you receiving the training you need to succeed?

Some employers miss the opportunity to help their workers realize their true potential. In many cases, employees were hired for a specific skill set, but they often have untapped or raw skills that are ripe for development. Allowing them to explore the possibilities will bolster engagement and, ultimately, will benefit the company in the long run.

5.    How can I be a stronger manager/leader?

Asking this question will demonstrate how much you truly care for your employees. If your team feels that you care, they will likely do just about anything you ask them to do because they know you have their backs. Solicit feedback to find out where you stand and also to show that it matters what they think.

6.    What matters to you?

Hopes and expectations differ greatly from employee to employee. It may be having the option to work remotely, it may be enrichment opportunities. Find out what makes your employees tick and you will have a better grasp on how to deliver.

7.    Are you clear on the company’s future vision? How do you see yourself fitting into that vision?

When employees are aligned with the company vision, they are engaged in its mission and the execution of that vision. The more aligned they are, the more engaged they will be.

If you would like to learn more about engaging your teams, we would love to help. Reach out today